More than just promoting your product, creating a video can help build trust with your customers, drive more sales, and even help expand your client base.

photographer shooting a product video in a professional studio using a digital camera on a tripod

92% of marketers consider video important in their marketing strategies

If you’ve ever found yourself spending hours getting sucked in TikTok or IG reels, then you know the power of videos when it comes to catching and holding attention. In fact, a product video is a great tool to boost your e-commerce store’s online presence. It can be shared in social media, embedded in your website, and e-mailed to clients.

According to Wyzowl, 86 percent of businesses use video marketing, while 92% of marketers consider video important in their marketing strategies. As more people spend time on their devices, the use of marketing videos is only going to increase in the next few years. Here’s why.

The Benefits of Product Videos

1. Everyone is online. According to Statista, data on global digital video viewership in 2020 revealed that there were over 3 billion internet users of any age who watched streaming or downloaded video via any device at least once per month. This figure is projected to increase annually and reach nearly 3.5 billion by the year 2023.

2. Videos are a great way to target your market. No matter the type—promo, explainer, or product demo video--videos can help you position your product to fit into your customers’ lifestyle. One well-shot clip can make customers see how it benefits them, making it a great way to drive more sales.

3. Videos can help you reach a wider audience. Short videos have become increasingly popular, especially with the younger generation. When done well, these bite-sized clips are also more easily shared through social media and messaging apps and take little time to consume, all while driving your message across. Long format videos can be easily cut and edited to make them easy to share, giving you more content to spread throughout your projected marketing timeline. Plus, they can all be hosted on YouTube, which remains the platform for video content.

4. Videos are perfect for clearly showcasing your product. According to the 2022 Video Marketing Statistics by Wyzowl, explainers make up 74% of video content. And it’s not hard to see why; they showcase your product and highlight its best features to show how you can add value to your customers’ lives. This helps shoppers decide if they want to buy your product once they understand what it’s for and how it can help them.

5. Videos can help build customer trust in your brand. A professionally shot, high-quality video can give your customers everything they need to know about your product—displaying it from numerous angles, explaining all its features, demonstrating how to use it, and make it relatable for their lifestyle. Great videos can project that your brand is legitimate, provides premium products, and is dedicated to excellent service that elevates the customer experience.

Things to Consider when Creating a Product Video

• Tell a story—Much like lifestyle photography, a well-conceptualized product video communicates your brand story as it increases engagement. It tells the story behind the brand that can help online shoppers experience your product without having tried it in real life. It also creates context, showing you the benefits of the product in use to help connect it to your customers life.

Make it relatable—One of the reasons why an explainer video is the most commonly used video may be how it makes your product more relatable to the customer than a photo with a caption. With a great story, the video can show emotion, easily holding attention and making it more engaging.

Make it easy to share—Distilling a message for bite-sized content can be difficult to do, but when done right, it’s more likely to be shared and can help increase engagement and expand your customer base. Whether you use humor or a heartwarming story, people love to forward content that hooked them.

Incorporate your branding—If you’re familiar with the NFL Super Bowl commercials, you’ll see how major companies have capitalized on using this ad slate to make their brand more memorable and stand out. Ads may be a dying breed with the advent of streaming, but this once-a-year opportunity produces some of the most talked-about clips, even for those who aren’t Football fans. Similarly, your brand—its values and promises—should be key throughout your product video so that people instantly connect it to your brand.

Making a product video doesn’t have to be complicated. You can even experiment with social media’s video creating tools such IG reels, Facebook stories, YouTube shorts, and TikTok. They’re a great way to help you get a feel of the kind of videos you want to create. But no matter what type of video you make, a product video is a great way show customers you’ve made the effort to provide them a service that will benefit them.

Chad Rialp